A Story, A Reflection, A Declaration
My name is Charity, the founder of Eternally Rooted, and I am so excited that you are here. If this is your first time checking out our site, please stay a while and get to know about our roots and values by reading Our Foundation. If you have already given it a read, then I invite you to go a little deeper. Welcome to the story behind Eternally Rooted.
Born and raised in the church, I was the child who could recite scripture and biblical stories. I was a sponge of information, but I lacked a real and personal relationship with God. I often relied on my mother’s faith as I internalized her relationship with God as my own. And at the time, that made sense. It wasn’t until I was a few hundred miles away from her I realized I lacked intimacy with Christ. Feeling convicted about choices I made while in college, I realized that the direction I was headed was not where I wanted my life to go. So, I made a change to pursue that relationship: I began to thirst for living water. He laid the foundation for what He was building and all I had to do was to say “Yes Lord.” Within those 3 years, He rectified a heart that was in desperate need of cleansing and healing.
But that feeling of change and excitation was short-lived. After graduating, I soon felt as if I hit a roadblock of fear and anxiety. For the first time in my life, I felt lost. The plans I made slowly drifted away, becoming a distant memory. After 3 failed attempts, I realized that God had other intentions. Our Father was asking me to give up control, tearing down what I thought would be sufficient for my life. Within a 5 year span, God taught me how to loosen my grip to step into His desires. Little did I know that what He was teaching me then was preparing me for the purpose I needed to fulfill now.
Now, I’m sure you’re wondering how Eternally Rooted came about. Towards the end of 2021, I was given the idea to create a Christian lifestyle brand. But again, I had little to no direction. As we transitioned into the new year, I sat down and thought about what this year was meant to be. In my heart, I knew that this was the year of stepping into complete obedience and increased faith. In a moment of resolution, He revealed the desired name for His creation. At this point, I had two choices: move into position or turn my back. Honestly, I was scared to move forward on such a big vision without knowing all the details. Yet, no matter how hard I tried to ignore it, the thought kept running in the back of my mind. So, I moved into position, stood at the edge of my fear and jumped!
Eternally Rooted is a personal declaration that despite what the enemy (or I) throws my way, I will not be shaken. I may not know the road ahead but firm will I stand moving in faith and firm will I stand completing my purpose.
I pray that Eternally Rooted will be a declaration for your life as well. The key point I want you to take as this reflection comes to an end, is to listen to and be faithful to God’s calling on your life. Look fear in the eye and remind it that it has no hold on you. Tell doubt and anxiousness that God is bigger. Take the leap, for you ARE rooted and those roots run deep.